Halloween Fanatic: Published Artist, Collector, Blogging Enthusiast

Halloween Fanatic Originals art, and images there of are property of Robert Brawley-H.F.O.

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Friday, August 5, 2016

Feeling a bit Shell-fish...

It is hard to believe summer vacation is nearly over...
we just got back from the beach this past weekend. 
A sure sign that summer is coming to an end, 
and school will soon be starting...
We had a great time at the beach, 
but I am feeling a bit shell-fish, 
as I wished we were back. 
Alas we home at least for another year, 
but we are enjoying the spoils of 
our trip in the house. 
We normally pick up a few shells, and I never buy any, 
however this year I went a little crazy...
so spent the morning, putting out my shells, 
and holding on tight to the last days of summer!
I hope you are all having a great summer too!!
Robert~ Halloween Fanatic 

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