Halloween Fanatic: Published Artist, Collector, Blogging Enthusiast

Halloween Fanatic Originals art, and images there of are property of Robert Brawley-H.F.O.

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Friday, July 24, 2009


A place for everything and everything in its place...has been my long standing expression of how my work area should be...well with three kids be-bopping around, that is not always so...my desk does however stay neat, especially now that it is located in our living area...Here are some photos of where I work...
I use my desk mainly for my computer-ETSY, EBAY,ETC. and basic sketching...a lot of the time I will have my computer on for ideas and my sketch pad to the side. My desks also houses all my works, as you can see them tucked safely away in one of the nooks of my writing desks, there are also nooks with note pads, one of which houses note pads from Johanna Parker...a dictionary is hidden behind the screen, but I usually m-w.com
anyhow...pencils, pens, scissors, and other writing utensils are housed in handmade pottery I have collected over the years. I normally move to the dining room table to paint in watercolors, and I usually use my wife's vanity to pencil in colored pencils...(better light)and that is how I roll...always wanted to say that. Thanks for stopping by my creative crib!

At the bottom you can get a blurry peek of a new piece hitting EBAY Sunday night...

Want to see more artists work spaces check out my friend Melissa's space...


and the one who started this Karen at...


1 comment:

Chris 'Frog Queen' Davis said...

Thanks for the peak inside your creative space. Lovely photographs!!

Keep creating!
