Halloween Fanatic: Published Artist, Collector, Blogging Enthusiast

Halloween Fanatic Originals art, and images there of are property of Robert Brawley-H.F.O.

MyFreeCopyright.com Registered & Protected

Friday, July 17, 2009

200th blog post WINNERS...

I have a change in plans, rather than waste paper, and ink to write out each name and draw, I decided to try something new...I looked up http://www.random.org/
set the parameters and viola' the numbers come right up... The numbers that popped up were...

15-Cat of Darkling Woods Studio

24-Kathren of Codyskeepsakes

Congratulations to the winners I hope you enjoy your Halloween Fanatic Originals!!!
Please e-mail me your mailing information at my new Halloween Fanatic e-mail:
halloweenfanatic78@yahoo.com and I will get it in the post Saturday afternoon also Cat please include in there your preference since your number was first!

If you did not win this time there is still opportunities to buy a Halloween Fanatic Original only hours remain on my first two ever EBAY Auctions...and of course there is my ETSY Shop open online 24/7!! New pieces will be arriving Tuesday, so be sure to check those out as well! Thanks again!


Chicken Lips said...

Congrats to the winners!

Coach Z said...

Those Lucky winners!!! Woohoo!

Cat (darklingwoods) said...

*head spins* me?

I love them both, but have a special place in my heart for Snow White so I'll choose the wicked witch one!

Thank you so much!!!!


KatHreN said...

falls off couch.....holy cow...I never win anything....I feel so lucky thank you thank you thank you.