Halloween Fanatic: Published Artist, Collector, Blogging Enthusiast

Halloween Fanatic Originals art, and images there of are property of Robert Brawley-H.F.O.

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Thursday, July 16, 2009

Beating the Newstand...

I just ordered my copy of the Fall issue of ART DOLL MAGAZINE with Scott Smith's art on the cover. The very nice and helpful associate said they would receive their copies next week and ship out special orders first. I can't wait to sit back and read about one of my favorite artists...It's beginning to feel a lot like Fall and better yet HALLOWEEN!!!

LATE BREAKING NEWS!!!!! My friend Joyce Stahl will also be in this upcoming issue. She has been such a big help as I have taken my baby steps out into the art world! Congrats Joycee I am so happy for you!!!!! Robert


AwtemNymf said...

THIS is one magazine that I will fast for to own LOL! I love ADQ's Halloween edition! So I'll be sitting right there with you and admiring the spook-filled creations!

Judy C said...

Love Art Doll. I'll have to order too. Judy

Carolee said...

Can't wait to read this one!!

~ Carolee

queen-of-nostalgia said...

Oooh! How exciting! I can't wait for Halloween :)